Category Archives: African

I have three percent African DNA

However, you won’t see me claim I’m African-American

Or a Black person… though I’d be thrilled and honored to make these claims. My Senegal, Ivory Coast/Ghana and Nigeria DNA together has Elizabeth Warren’s Native-American DNA beat 3 times over, but I don’t know my African ancestor(s). I haven’t lived a life with any of their experiences. I can’t own this.

It is cool though!

I estimate within 4-6 generations ago that I had at least one African ancestor and I may someday discover the confirmed genealogy of this person.

My curiosity runs wild and that would be a super exciting day, but I still won’t be able to own it. An ally is the most I’ll ever be.


Updated periodically – About
Updated periodically – Migrating to
Updated periodically – Introduction to Settler Colonialism
Updated periodically – Decolonization is not a metaphor
Updated periodically – Mvskoke History & Resources

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